The File Cabinet
Finance and Stewardship

What does the Finance Committee do? The Finance Committee will oversee procedures for budgeting, depositing of receipts, payment of expenses, and investment administration working with the General Presbyter, Treasurer, and Bookkeeper. The committee will develop and present to Council and Presbytery a proposed budget for the presbytery. The committee will commission an annual financial review.
Who serves on this Committee? The Finance Committee shall be composed of nine (9) members. The Committee Moderator and Committee members will be appointed by the Moderator-Elect of the Council. Four (4) members of the Finance Committee will also serve on a Subcommittee for Mission and Stewardship Interpretation.
Link: Presbyterian Foundation - The Presbyterian Foundation strengthens congregations and related mission and ministry efforts by developing gifts and managing funds on their behalf
STEWARDSHIP MANUAL: A Guide for Year-Round Financial Stewardship Planning (.PDF) - Stewardship. What do you think of when you see that word? Many of us think immediately of money. We recall that time in our congregation’s life when we are asked to make a financial commitment for the coming year. At some level, however, we are aware that stewardship is more than money. Stewardship is how we live out our calling as followers of Christ. Stewardship is what we do after we say that we believe. A resource from the Presbyterian Foundation.
50 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN (.PDF) - A resource presented from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership.
SHARING CONTROL from the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary (website article) - Encouraging sharing is important to the practice of stewardship. We idealize sharing as an act of heartfelt giving, but how do we nurture this inclination in ourselves and others? Manufactured performances of generosity may meet a real need and preserve reputations, but “going through the motions” can undermine self-sustained moral growth and integrity.
Link: The Center for Stewardship Leadership at Luther Seminary

The Missouri Union Presbytery Mission and Ministry Budget - This narrative budget highlights the exciting mission projects and ministries supported by the One Mission Giving contributions made by each congregation in the Presbytery. As each church increases its commitment, more ministries become possible and lives are touched in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.