The File Cabinet
Presbytery Council

What is the Purpose of This Committee? The Bills and Overtures Committee studies all amendments to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) presented to the presbytery for a vote, votes within the committee on the amendments, and informs the presbytery of the outcome of that advisory vote. The committee also recommends a voting process to the Council when the Council meets to plan the presbytery meeting when the vote will be held.
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution - Approved by the 225th General Assembly (2022) and recommended to the presbyteries for their vote.

See also finance file cabinet page HERE
What does the Finance Committee do? The Finance Committee will oversee procedures for budgeting, depositing of receipts, payment of expenses, and investment administration working with the General Presbyter, Treasurer, and Bookkeeper. The committee will develop and present to Council and Presbytery a proposed budget for the presbytery. The committee will commission an annual financial review.
Who serves on this Committee? The Finance Committee shall be composed of nine (9) members. The Committee Moderator and Committee members will be appointed by the Moderator-Elect of the Council. Four (4) members of the Finance Committee will also serve on a Subcommittee for Mission and Stewardship Interpretation.
Link: Presbyterian Foundation - The Presbyterian Foundation strengthens congregations and related mission and ministry efforts by developing gifts and managing funds on their behalf
Link: Center for Stewardship Leadership - A stewardship resource created by Luther Seminary.
What does this committee do? The Personnel Committee will conduct regular performance reviews of the General Presbyter, Stated Clerk and Treasurer for the purpose of providing feedback helpful in encouraging the optimum performance and working relationship of the staff and the presbytery. The General Presbyter is responsible for the performance review of the other staff.
Who serves on this committee? The Personnel Committee shall be composed of the Moderator, Vice-Moderator of the presbytery, and Moderator Elect of Council and three (3) at-large members appointed by the Moderator-Elect of the Council serving for three years in staggered terms.