Racial Justice
Anti-Racism Statement
by Peacemaking & Public Witness Mission Team

Anti-Racism Statement by Area Presbyterians and signed by 125 Ministers of Word and Sacrament, Ruling Elders, Deacons and Members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in the Missouri Union Presbytery: CLICK HERE
Statement as it appeared in the Commentary section of the Columbia Tribune on July 6, 2020: CLICK HERE
Resources and Programs
PC(USA)'s Week of Action - Listing of events/programs/ideas for the Week of Action - CLICK HERE
See https://www.pcusa.org/weekofaction/ for the most recent schedule of events.
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship virtual book study - How to be an Antiracist. Flyer and Information - CLICK HERE
Resources: Talking to Your Kids about Racism from Jason Hilkerbaumer, Director of Youth and Outreach Ministry: CLICK HERE
Presbyterian Mission Agency 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge: CLICK HERE
Resources in Racial Equity from the Presbyterian Mission Agency: